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Practices Formulated by Vethathiri Maharishi

  • Physical Health
  • Psychic Health
  • Kaya Kalpa
  • Introspection

(Increase the Potency of Life Force)
Physical health and psychic health shall be maintained only until a cooperative and harmonious relationship exists between the body and the life force. Maharishi had analysed multifarious exercises daily one can set right the circulation of blood, heat and air. In addition to that one can enrich the potential of the body and develop the immunity.In order to attain the psychic health had formulated by Vethathiri Maharishi,the simplified Kundalini yoga practice of inward meditation. Men and women can learn and be benefited even in younger years. Family people can also do this meditation because of the unwanted activities incurred in life six emotional temperaments are present in humans. They are greed,anger,miserliness,immoral sexual passion,vanity and vengeance. All these have to be transformed.
Greed – Contentment
Anger – Tolerance
Miserliness – Charitability
Immoral sexual passion – Chastity
Vanity – Equality
Vengeance – Forgiveness
The sixth sense has the potential to realize the three imperceptible things viz. The mind,the life force and the Divinity.All the characters of Divinity expressed by self transformation resulted in the expansive Universe and all the things in it.
Divinity itself had finally become man via energy particles, panchabhoothas, planets and living beings. It is possible to realize at the stage of merger of one’s consciousness and Divinity by the uniting of the human mind with the Divine thing, that both of them are one and the same. Then love and compassion would become the nature of a man.In Manavalakkalai, Vethathiri Maharishi propounded all of his findings by
his depth research as his concepts. It is very easy to find an answer to the question, “Who am I”.

Simplified Kundalini Yoga

Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) Meditation Practice 

“Meditation is a practice to commune the consciousness with the vast  universe.” 

– Shri Vethathiri Maharishi 

In SKY practice various stages of meditation are given to an individual 

∙ A trained master initiates the student into meditation practice, intensifying the  working center of his life-force at Agna Chakra (between the eyebrows) so as  to focus there and meditate. 

∙ After a few days of the initial practice, energy increase in the upper centers  may be felt excessively. At this point the student is taught Shanti Yoga. ∙ The next stage of practice is Thuriya Yoga, which is meditation at the crown  chakra, i.e. Sahasradara or Brahmarandra. 

∙ Higher level techniques of meditation include Thuriateeth Yoga, Panchentria  Meditation [Meditation on the five senses of Human body], Pancha Bootha  Navagraha Meditation [Meditation on the Five Elements, Nine Planets,  Manonmani, Nithyanandam, Nine Point Meditation (Onbothu Maiyam) where  the fractional state of consciousness unites with the infinite state of  consciousness. By sincere practice the student can advance from the limited  body consciousness to soul consciousness and ultimately to God  consciousness. 

∙ A separate technique of meditation is also taught to strengthen the mind and  body in resistance to the adverse effects of planetary transits. ∙ Practices are also given to understand and increase one’s personal  biomagnetism for physical and mental optimum strength. One is also taught to  use biomagnetism for helping others by passing energy in certain cases. 


∙ Reduces the mental frequency. 

∙ Enhances awareness. 

∙ Improves intellectual sharpness and understanding. 

∙ Increases the will power and concentration. 

Eligibility for SKY Meditation Practice

The SKY meditation can be practiced by those who have attained physical  maturity (age above 14).