Kayakalpa Yoga

Kayakalpa yoga 

Restructuring the body in a natural way, Kaya Kalpa helps cure and  prevent diseases. It relieves the practitioner of many of the troubles of  aging. 

Kayakalpa Yoga is an ancient wonderful technique of the  Siddhas(saints) of South India for the enhancement of life energy. In Sanskrit, the term “Kaya” means “body and “Kalpa” means  “immortal”. The Science of Kayakalpa delineates the manner in which  the human body can be immortalised. 

Kayakalpa has a three fold objective 

∙ Maintaining youthfulness and physical health, 

∙ Resisting and slowing down the aging process, 

∙ Postponing death until one reaches spiritual perfection. 


∙ Activates the brain cells to its fullest functional levels 

∙ Increases memory power and grasping ability. 

∙ Develops the immunity system. 

∙ Reduces the effect of hereditary diseases. 

∙ Intensity of chronic diseases like piles, diabetes, asthma and skin diseases is  reduced and cured. 

∙ Strengthens the uterus. Menstrual problems are reduced to a great extent. ∙ Brings about proper arrangement of polarity of body cells. 

∙ Brings about reformation of character. 

∙ Helps in removing unwanted thoughts and habits.

Kayakalpa gives significant physical, mental as well as spiritual benefit  by intensifying our life-force. As this practice is a restructuring process  of the body in a natural way, no medicines or herbs are involved.  Significant results have been observed in various types of chronic  diseases and in overall improvement of general health. Kaya Kalpa helps  cure and prevent diseases and relieves the practitioner of many of the  troubles of aging. 


∙ The Kayakalpa can be learnt by those who have attained physical maturity  (age above 14). 

∙ We need to spend only 3 minutes every morning and evening. ∙ These exercises is taught in about 3 hours time by the SKY Professors.