Simplified Physical Exercise

Simplified physical exercises 

Important instructions 

1. The exercises contained in this book can be practiced by anyone above the age of 8. Anyone of 80 years old can also start and practice these exercises. 

2. The exercises should always be done smoothly without any jerk. The movements should always be smooth and graceful straining of any sort should be avoided. 

3. The exercises should be practiced preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. 

4. If they are to be practiced in the evening, 4 hours should lapse after taking solid food or half an hour after liquid food, coffee or tea. 

5. After doing the exercises, you have a few sips of water. Any other type of food solid or liquid can be taken 15 minutes after completing the exercises. 

6. Those suffering from ailments such as heart trouble etc. should practice the exercises after getting the advice of a qualified master of Sky (simplified kundalini yoga) 

7. Throughout these exercises the practitioner should endeavor to concentrate on the movements of the body it is therefore suggested that the eyes be closed while doing the exercises. 

Exceptionally the following exercises shall be done with opening eyes: (i) the entire set of exercises. 

(ii) the posture and movements number 6 of hand exercises and 

(iii) the posture and movement number 7 of part B of Makarasana. 

8. Physical exercises should not be done on the bed floor you mad or something spread should be used on the floor 

9. It takes just about half an hour to complete the whole set of exercises. 10. These exercises are suitable for all climatic conditions. 

11. Those who have undergone surgery should start practicing these exercises after three or four months. 

12. Though these exercises can be practiced by reading this book it is better to learn these from the qualified master of Sky (Simplified Kundalini Yoga) 

Special instructions for women 

1. Women should not practice these exercises during the days of their menstrual periods. (that is for 3 to 5 days) 

2. Pregnant woman after two months of pregnancy should not do the following exercises until delivery. 

❖ postures one and two of neuromuscular breathing exercises and 

❖ both parts A and B of Makarasana 

3. Other exercises contained in these series may be done by pregnant women.

4. All the exercises may be resumed three months after delivery, provided the health is normal. 

1.Benefits of Hand exercise: 

1. Circulation of blood heart air and a life force in hands and arms becomes normal and regular. 

2. Hands and shoulders or strengthened. 

3. Arthritis and conditions where the upper limbs become numb during rest are reduced and possibly cured. 

4. Pains in shoulder joints and knee joints are cured. 

5. Trembling of hands and pain in finger joints are cured. 

2. Benefits of leg exercises: 

1. Legs are strengthened. 

2. Blood circulation gets regulated in all parts of the abdomen 

3. This exercise is curative and preventive for sciatica and arthritis 4. By pressing and massaging the sole and the toes, important organs in the body such as heart, lungs, intestines and brain are activated 

3.Benefits of Neuromuscular breathing and Makarasana: 

1. These two are a series of marvellous Yogic techniques. The physical and mental benefits of these two techniques are better explained than expressed. 2. Physically these two practices massage the viscera (the liver, the spleen, the intestine and the kidneys) 

● strengthen the abdominal muscles. 

● activate the pancreas to produce the correct quantity of insulin (thereby making blood sugar normal) 

● eliminate the complications of diabetes. 

● Ventilate the lung. 

● normalize the activity of the endocrine glands. 

● control the functioning of the uterus and the ovaries in case of women and relieve them from menstrual irregularities. 

● regulate the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. ❖ A regular practice of the two techniques results in radiant health. ❖ The pot belly would shrink to an appreciable extent. 

❖ Over weight of the body will get reduced gradually. 

❖ Combined with meditation these Alley fear. 

❖ Anxiety gets replaced by calmness. 

❖ A new healthy attitude sets in, which will fill you with the joy of elevated thoughts Benefits of Neuromuscular Breathing exercises: 

1. The neuromuscular breathing regulates the endocrine system and oxygenates the blood. 

2. It ventilates the lungs and increases the vital energy. 

3. It helps curing headache, insomnia, asthma and other bronchial troubles.

4. Tiredness is not felt even after working for a full day. 

5. Students are benefited in their studies. Due to increase in absorbing capacity, retention capacity and recalling capacity. 

6. Functioning of the nervous system is improved. 

4. Benefits of Eye exercises: 

1. This exercise helps to correct defective eyesight by toning up the muscles around the eyes. 

2. It also prevents eye strain, itching and other eye diseases. 

3. By continuous practice one can reduce the use of spectacles. 

5. Benefits of Kapalabathi: 

1. Sinus problems or cured. 

2. Dust and other particles in the nose and sinuses are removed. 

3. Body becomes energized. 

4. Supply of blood to brain increases 

6. Benefits of Makarasana: 

1. It strengthens the abdominal muscles. 

2. It normalizes the activity of the endocrine glands. 

3. It helps to cure diabetes, arthritis, sciatica, high blood pressure, hip pain, spinal pain and neck pain. 

4. As the spinal column is systematically twisted from bottom to top, the backbone and the disks get strengthened. 

5. All nerves emerging from the backboard or strengthened. 

6. Legs and abdominal region are strengthened. 

7. Obesity is reduced. 

8. For women, it regulates the menstrual cycle and it helps to cure uterus problems. 

7. Benefits of massage: 

1. It regulates the flow of biomagnetism in the stomach and chest. 

2. Internal organs are strengthened. 

3. It helps to cure the hearing problems and regulates the function of the ear. 4. It also regulate the blood circulation in face and makes the face bright 

8. Benefits of acupressure: 

1. Short circuits of electrical energy in any part of the body would be cleared. 2. Acupressure is a preventive for heart ailments and it reduces blood pressure. 3. It regulates the nervous system and reduces tension. 

4. It is very helpful in alleviating insomnia 

9. Benefits of relaxation: 

1. This relaxation is very helpful in bringing down high blood pressure. 2. It helps to prevent heart trouble if practiced regularly. 

3. It reduces the tension in the body and mind and brings calmness.

4. Bodygetsfull rest. 

5. It regulates the circulation of blood, heat, air, life force and biomagnetism throughout the body.